Describes marks and buoys. Gives a Lunar Table up to 1799.
Extract on Naze:
Above the Nefs there is fhoal water near two cables length from the fhore ; the bottom is hard , and muſt be avoided : there are 6 fathoms cloſe to it . As it is fo fteep , that you will have 5 fathoms one caft , and before the lead can be hove again , you will be a – fhore , you ought not to come any nearer to it than 7 fathoms . A little to the weftward there is a contra tide , caufed by the point above the lights . This counter tide runs down , during the flood , with as much velocity as the tide in the Channel or Fair – way runs up.- Some fhips , by getting into this eddy , have miffed ſtays , and run on fhore before the wind . The beach , from Orford – haven to the Nefs , is very steep , and ought to be carefully avoided