Wondering why buoys got their names started an interest in finding out more about their history and that of our waters. Many only acquired their names in recent years, the change to the IALA system followed by the growth of Harwich Haven is responsible for some of them.
Few are more than a century or so old but some of the modern ones are named to commemorate history.
Tizard, writing in 1890, explains the need for marking our sea lanes:
As the shores of Essex and Kent are low, and have no natural features by which they may be distinguished at a distance, and as a great part of the estuary is out of sight of land, even in the clear weather so rare in this country, it is evident that artificial marks in considerable number are required to make navigation at all practicable between the banks.
Tizard, T. H. (Thomas Henry). The Thames Estuary. 18901Tizard, T. H. (Thomas Henry). The Thames Estuary. 1890
… now there are no less than 3 lighthouses, 11 light-vessels, 8 gas buoys, 10 beacons, and 117 ordinary buoys marking the channels at present in use; …
It would be interesting to compare his figures with today’s. Here are a few buoys that have a story or mark an area of interest.
*History of British Buoyage
*Local Buoy History
1885 Dickens Thames Dictionary
1890 Thames Estuary Survey by Tizard – extract
6:NW & SE Roughs Tower site and Rough Shoals
Bloody Point at Shotley Spit
Bouy lighting – Nobel prize
Captain John Washington
Captain Peacock’s Refuge Buoy
Charles Baggage and Buoys
Cobbolds Point
Deane, Sir Anthony
Deben Reaches and Marks
Felixstowe Ledge
Felixstowe Waverider
Galleons & Girling’s Hard
Grog – Vice-Admiral Edward Vernon
Hams and Tips
Medusa Buoy, HMS Medusa, Medusa Channel and Lord Nelson
Oriana Wreck in the Wallet
Pepys, Samuel
Port and Starboard
Rolling Ground and Pitching Ground
SS Richard Montgomery
Stone Bank
Submarine Sound Buoys
Sunk Head Tower – what remains?
The Atomic Buoy
Wadgate Ledge and Wadgate Creek
West Knolls
Woodbridge Haven
World War Two Air Sea Rescue Buoys or Floats
Image Sources and Credits
Image Credits and Sources
- Felixstowe Waverider- Buoy 2021: Bob C
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Image Credits and Sources
- Felixstowe Waverider- Buoy 2021: Bob C