
Wondering why buoys got their names started an interest in finding out more about their history and that of our waters. Many only acquired their names in recent years, the change to the IALA system followed by the growth of Harwich Haven is responsible for some of them.

Few are more than a century or so old but some of the modern ones are named to commemorate history.

Tizard, writing in 1890, explains the need for marking our sea lanes:

As the shores of Essex and Kent are low, and have no natural features by which they may be distinguished at a distance, and as a great part of the estuary is out of sight of land, even in the clear weather so rare in this country, it is evident that artificial marks in considerable number are required to make navigation at all practicable between the banks.
… now there are no less than 3 lighthouses, 11 light-vessels, 8 gas buoys, 10 beacons, and 117 ordinary buoys marking the channels at present in use; …

Tizard, T. H. (Thomas Henry). The Thames Estuary. 18901Tizard, T. H. (Thomas Henry). The Thames Estuary. 1890

It would be interesting to compare his figures with today’s. Here are a few buoys that have a story or mark an area of interest.

*History of British Buoyage

The earliest aid to navigation must have been a withie planted in the mud but the floating buoy would have ...

*Local Buoy History

These notes cover from the Blackwater to the Ore in chronological order. A fifteenth-century pilot guide describes the 'Waynes and ...

1885 Dickens Thames Dictionary

Charles Dickens featured the Thames in many of his works. As part of his research he described features along the ...
1890 Thames Estuary by Tizard_FI

1890 Thames Estuary Survey by Tizard – extract

Chart from Tizard, T. H. (Thomas Henry). The Thames Estuary. 1890 Full 1890 paper in Nature ...

6:NW & SE Roughs Tower site and Rough Shoals

The current (2021) buoys in the area mark the Roughs Tower and not the shoal. The shoal itself is around ...


This is positioned on the boundary of East Suffolk and Babergh local authorities. Not very imaginative ...
Bloody Point from Harwich Shelf

Bloody Point at Shotley Spit

There is a 'Bloody Point' on the Orwell at Shotley. The Stour runs due west here and the Orwell northwest, ...

Bouy lighting – Nobel prize

Lighting is a vital area and providing fuel or power has been a difficult problem. The oil-based systems, often using ...

Captain John Washington

Boy to Man to Buoy Some know of Captain John Washington as an important figure in the history of the ...

Captain Peacock’s Refuge Buoy

No mention of these has been found on the East Coast but they are interesting. 2024 Spit Refuge PHM G.Thimblethorpe.jpg ...

Charles Baggage and Buoys

The mathematician, Charles Babbage, took note of the problems with shipping and produced 'Notes Respecting Lighthouses' in 1852. Charles Bagge ...
FI 2022 Cobbolds Nigel Seary cr

Cobbolds Point

Stone There is a bed of stone between the Deben and the Naze which, over the years, has been mined ...

Deane, Sir Anthony

Sir Anthony Deane led a long and interesting life so this article is quite long. In due course, it will ...
1686 Deben Beacons FI

Deben Reaches and Marks

For sailors, much of the navigational interest of the Deben is getting in and out of Woodbridge Haven: there is, ...

Felixstowe Ledge

There is a bed of stone between the Deben and the Naze which has been mined as a building material ...
Felixstowe Waverider- Buoy 2021

Felixstowe Waverider

The Waverider buoy, near Felixstowe Ledge buoy on the northern edge of the Deep Water Channel, measures wave conditions and ...
Galleons WSC racing mark buoy facing Girling's Hard 2018

Galleons & Girling’s Hard

The Galleon's racing mark is most likely misnamed. The hard to the southeast was once known as Girling's Hard. There ...
Edward Vernon cr FI

Grog – Vice-Admiral Edward Vernon

The GROG SHM is presumably named for Edward Vernon. He served on Admiral Sir Cloudsesley Shovell's flagship at the capture ...

Hams and Tips

These are the remains of an attempt by Robert Cobbold of Sutton to enclose 150 acres in the late nineteenth ...

Medusa Buoy, HMS Medusa, Medusa Channel and Lord Nelson

The green starboard hand buoy, off Walton on the Naze in Essex, is named after HMS Medusa and is the ...
2021 Oriana in Wallet 1 956x1024 cr FI

Oriana Wreck in the Wallet

The Oriana Buoy This Starboard Hand Mark with the legend 'Oriana' opposite Wallet No.4 should logically be Wallet No.1: oddly, ...
Pepys FI

Pepys, Samuel

Pepys PHM in the Orwell 2021 - the water tower is actually one of the Martello Towers re-purpose Samuel Pepys, ...

Port and Starboard

Once we've realised that Port is on the left only when facing the pointy end (not Italians - see later) ...
The naval history of the United States (1896) (14597822358)

Rolling Ground and Pitching Ground

Rolling and Pitching Grounds - 1852 Imray Chary by Washington Rolling Ground appears on the 1686 Greenvile Collins Chart although ...


There are references in early pilots and charts to Sobiri, Shoe Beacon, Shoe Hole and Shoe Horse. These can cause ...
Richard Montgomery FI

SS Richard Montgomery

SS Richard Montgomery on youtube. Beware the shallow water to the east at LW. There is a plan to remove ...

Stone Bank

Stone Bank first appears, as 'Stone Banck', on Greenvile Collins' 1686 chart of the local coast. The Stone Bank buoy ...
Submarine Sound BuoysSubmarine Sound Buoys

Submarine Sound Buoys

At the start of the twentieth century, the Submarine Signal Company of BostonSubmarine signals by Submarine Signal Company, Boston developed ...
Rinean Output Sunk Head

Sunk Head Tower – what remains?

Commissioning 1942 H.M. Fort Sunk Head (U2) was the second Maunsell Navy Tower to be installed during World War Two ...
the 'Atomic Buoy', powered by the radioactive isotope, Strontium-90. This was an American experiment

The Atomic Buoy

In the mid-twentieth century, there were many experiments to provide long-lasting sources of power for buoy lighting. Replacing batteries or ...
Wadgate Ledge 1024x844 cr FI

Wadgate Ledge and Wadgate Creek

Looking westwards towards Martello (Height of tide = 2.6m) Wadgate Ledge is a Pillar Starboard Hand Mark Just outside the ...
West Knolls FI

West Knolls

The buoys marking the Deben entrance change frequently in both position and name. West Knolls marks one of the moving ...

Woodbridge Haven

2010 Woodbridge Haven In Roman times the entrance, or Haven, was guarded by a Roman Fort which had collapsed into ...

World War Two Air Sea Rescue Buoys or Floats

Both Britain and Germany deployed Refuge Floats for airmen in the North Sea and Channel. How many lives were saved ...

Image Sources and Credits

Image Credits and Sources

  • Felixstowe Waverider- Buoy 2021: Bob C

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