
Our waters are shallow with many shoals and sandbanks. The safe channels have been known for many centuries and some, such as the Spitway, are mentioned in old documents. There are also our rivers which have names for the different reaches and creeks. As the same term often applies to both the bank and the channel, i.e. Ray Sand, some items are allocated to both categories.

Tizard, writing in 1890 defines the channels in the Estuary:

…the channels between them[the banks], trend in a north-east and south-west direction: this is doubtless due to the fact that the stream outside the estuary is running to the northward whilst the tide is ebbing from the river, and, consequently, the ebb stream in the estuary is deflected to the north-east-ward. 1The north-east set of the tide is reinforced by the Coriolis effect due to the Earth’s rotation.

The channels into the estuary, therefore, must be classed under two headings : (a) those which follow the main line of the flood and ebb streams, and (b) those which do not follow the general stream of the tide.

In the former category are the Warp, West Swin, Middle Deep, East Swin, Barrow Deep, Oaze Deep, and Black Deep; in the latter are the Middle Swin, Queen’s Channel, Prince’s Channel, Alexandra Channel, Duke of Edinburgh Channel, Gore Channel, &c., which are all more or less of the nature of swatchways across the main line of the sand-banks of the estuary. In the Black and Barrow Deeps, which are the deepest and straightest channels through the estuary, the ebb stream runs 7 hours and the flood 5 hours, and the ebb is much stronger than the flood, the stream setting fairly through. In the Duke of Edinburgh Channel, the deepest swatchway of the estuary, the streams at the north and south ends are of a rotatory character, revolving with the hands of the clock.

Tizard, T. H. (Thomas Henry). The Thames Estuary. 1890

15th Century, Hakluyt Local Sailing Directions

From a MS belonging to Sir John Paston, transcribed for the Hakluyt Society. Date is sometime mid 15C, say 1450 ...

1759 Bowen Essex showing Orwell Beacon

Available at high definition at BNF. This shows the Orwell Beacon at Havengore. Did this lead to the Essex Inshore ...

1837 Colby Map of Deben Area

This chart was engraved in The Tower of London at the Ordinance Map Office and published by Colonel Colby on ...

1845 Deben Survey

During the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries, the Royal Navy mapped the World and measured the Solar System. In 1845 H.M.S ...
1890 Thames Estuary by Tizard_FI

1890 Thames Estuary Survey by Tizard – extract

Chart from Tizard, T. H. (Thomas Henry). The Thames Estuary. 1890 Full 1890 paper in Nature ...

1943/4 War Department Charts

These were originally in a ring bound set and are not much larger than A5 size. If there is one ...
BL 36

Abraham’s Bosom

Coasting Bargemaster In Coasting Bargemaster, Bob Roberts tells of taking refuge, whilst in the Martinet, in an offshore anchorage: "It ...
Bloody Point from Harwich Shelf

Bloody Point at Shotley Spit

There is a 'Bloody Point' on the Orwell at Shotley. The Stour runs due west here and the Orwell northwest, ...

Breakwater Lighters at Sales Point Bradwell

These are dumb barges or lighters and not be confused with sailing barges, although they are included in the barge ...
2010 Backwaters lighters 1200x900 (1) cr FI

Breakwater Lighters in Walton Backwaters

A group of twenty dumb barges or lighters has protected the northeast of Horsey Island, by the entrance to Walton ...

Cutler and Redbeard Sands

Nowadays we are familiar with Cutler Sand as a 2m shoal about one and a half miles off Bawdsey Cliff, ...

D-Day Deception Fleet – Deben

The Allied invasion of France in 1944 was perhaps the largest, most complex project ever attempted. One of the many ...

D-Day Deception Fleet – Orwell

There is a full account of this topic at Woolverstone, D-Day at 80 Exhibition. This RAF photograph, 26th March 1944 ...

Deben – the name

How and when did the name ‘Deben’ originate? This is a collection of accounts found, together with a few observations ...
1686 Deben Beacons FI

Deben Reaches and Marks

For sailors, much of the navigational interest of the Deben is getting in and out of Woodbridge Haven: there is, ...

Deben Soundings

Deben Soundings FB Suffolk Inlets HB - good images from Sentinel data on the bar. Bawdsey tide gauge ...
Edward Fitzgerald's Yacht Scandal - at Lowestoft - built in 1863 with a length of around 38' and a draught of 5', good for the Deben, Ore and East Coast.

Edward Fitzgerald and Yacht Scandal

Edward Fitzgerald (1809-1883) was from a wealthy family and a gentleman of leisure. Known primarily for his translation of a ...

Ferro Concrete Barges in Walton Backwaters

There are five Ferro Concrete Barges (FCB) in the Backwaters. These are described moving floodwards with the convention of right/left ...
Pin Mill on the Orwell, FCB Ferro Concrete Barges

Ferro Concrete Barges on the Orwell

There are at least two Ferro Concrete Barges at Pin Mill on the Orwell. One is a stem head, used ...

Ferro Concrete Barges on the Stour

There is a Ferro Concrete Petrol Barge (closed, PCB type) at Harwich. These were originally built for use on D-Day ...

Foulger’s Gat

Foulger's Gat, pronounced 'Fullgers' is a swatchway across the Long Sand connecting the Black Deep to the Knock Deep. It ...
Galleons WSC racing mark buoy facing Girling's Hard 2018

Galleons & Girling’s Hard

The Galleon's racing mark is most likely misnamed. The hard to the southeast was once known as Girling's Hard. There ...
Edward Vernon cr FI

Grog – Vice-Admiral Edward Vernon

The GROG SHM is presumably named for Edward Vernon. He served on Admiral Sir Cloudsesley Shovell's flagship at the capture ...
1804 Spence Chart from H C Jones Gullet cr FI

Gullet Channel

The Gullet Channel provides a north-south route to Goldmers Gat for sailing ships, avoiding the shoals near Harwich. Whilst it ...

Hams and Tips

These are the remains of an attempt by Robert Cobbold of Sutton to enclose 150 acres in the late nineteenth ...

King’s Fleet on the Deben

In medieval times, before the encroachment of seawalls, the lower Deben was the significant port or haven of Goseford, well ...

LBK6 – Landing Barge Kitchen at Harwich

The fighting men who landed on D-Day needed to be fed so ten Landing Barge Kitchen (LBK) were built for ...
Kyson Point on the left along Troublesome Reach to Loders Cut

Loder’s Cut and John Loder, Troublesome Reach, Bloody Point and Kyson Point.

The 1845 Deben Survey shows a 'U' bend with Troublesome Reach to the south and Kingston Reach to the west ...
Martello P - now NCI Coastwatch

Martello Towers

Between 1808 and 1812, twenty-nine Martello Towers were built along the coasts of Essex and Suffolk: eighteen still exist, with ...

Medusa Buoy, HMS Medusa, Medusa Channel and Lord Nelson

The green starboard hand buoy, off Walton on the Naze in Essex, is named after HMS Medusa and is the ...

Metal Lighter Hulk on the Stour

A hulk (69'x20' ) sits on the mud in Bathside Bay (drying height 3.8m CD) and has been there since ...

Mud Digging at Hemley for the Cement Works

In the latter part of the nineteenth century, Portland Cement was made at Masons Cement Works in Waldringfield on the ...

Oyster Beds Opposite Falkenham Creek

There are disused Oyster Beds opposite Falkenham Creek shown on the 1902 map but not on the 1881 map, so ...
Pepys FI

Pepys, Samuel

Pepys PHM in the Orwell 2021 - the water tower is actually one of the Martello Towers re-purpose Samuel Pepys, ...

Pool at Orwell Park

An owner of Orwell Park was George Tomline who was a key figure in the development of Felixstowe Port and ...

Ray Sand Channel

Today, the Ray Sand Channel dries at about 0.6m or 2' but it was not always so: it has changed ...

River Deben Association Archive

This archive of earlier copies of the ‘Deben’ magazine is a trove of hidden treasures and readers will find their ...

Sailing past Dunwich in the Seventeenth Century

As one sails past Dunwich these days, there is little to see and no reason to come near to land ...

SB Three Sisters at Kirton Creek

There is little activity at Kirton Creek nowadays. However, it was once the mouth of the Mill River and, after ...
Bawdsey Seamark until 1934

The Bawdsey Sea-mark and Churches

The Sea Mark The Sledway was the safe route from deep water east of the Shipwash to Orwell and Woodbridge ...
Churches access by water cr FI

The Deben’s Ring of Churches

“As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.” Albert Einstein George Arnott suggested that ...

The Historian’s view of the Deben Estuary

On the Woodbridge Riverside Trust website: is An interesting map of the Deben with some historical notes. It has a ...

The Ruins of Walton Castle

Just four centuries ago the ruined Walton castle looked down from the clifftop, the remains are now beneath the sea ...
Bawdsey Seamark until 1934

The Sledway

On the modern (2015) charts the Sledway is the channel between Cutler Sand to the West and Bawdsey Bank to ...
Twizzle in Walton Backwaters from Naze Tower in 2018

The Twizzle

The channel from Walton Channel to the Wade in the Walton Backwaters is interesting for its name. According to H.Muir ...
Wadgate Ledge 1024x844 cr FI

Wadgate Ledge and Wadgate Creek

Looking westwards towards Martello (Height of tide = 2.6m) Wadgate Ledge is a Pillar Starboard Hand Mark Just outside the ...

Waldringfield Cuttings Marsh Survey

See also Waldringfield’s Mystery Cuttings Objective To establish the level of clay below the marsh to assess the importance of ...

Waldringfield Horse and the Winkle

A Horse is a common feature in rivers. It is normally where the flow is fast and is usually associated ...

Waldringfield Island, Stonnor Creek and Burrell’s Long Wall

The Island: which some refer to as Waldringfield Island and others as Stonnor Island is a detached area of saltmarsh, ...
Cuttings scaled cr FI

Waldringfield’s Mystery Cuttings

South of the sailing club along the seawall leading towards Hemley is a series of regular cuttings in the salt ...
Screenshot 2022 11 21 091113 1200x965 cr FI

Where Thames Smooth Waters Glide

This website is packed with information on the River Thames from source to sea. This section relates to the Estuary ...

Woodbridge Haven

2010 Woodbridge Haven In Roman times the entrance, or Haven, was guarded by a Roman Fort which had collapsed into ...

Woolverstone, D-Day at 80 Exhibition

On 6 June 1944, Allied troops landed on the Normandy beaches and the battle to liberate Europe began. 80 years ...




Image Sources and Credits

  • 1
    The north-east set of the tide is reinforced by the Coriolis effect due to the Earth’s rotation.
  • 2
    Shorter Oxford English Dictionary
  • 3
    Shorter Oxford English Dictionary

Image Credits and Sources

  • Deben-Plate: Source UKHO Archive. Copyright Protection has now lapsed
  • 1902-Chart-of-Ray-Sand-from-Messums-East-Coast-Rivers: 1902 Chart of Ray Sand from Messums East Coast Rivers
  • FI Bawdsey-Seamark-from-Di-Coulting-1447×2048@2x_cr: Courtesy of Coulting, Di - Boathouse Cafe Bawdsey | All Rights Reserved

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