The channel from Walton Channel to the Wade in the Walton Backwaters is interesting for its name. According to H.Muir Evans:
Twissel Creek means the twirling creek, a dialect formation of “twist” or “twirl.” “Twirl” is cognate with Norwegian trilla and Cotgrave gives “Girer, to veere or turn with the wind, to twirle, whirle or wheele about”: so that “twissel” is probably also Scandinavian in origin: this is rendered more likely as we find the same word appearing in the Dengie Marshes as Twizzlefoot Bridge.
Muir Evans, Harold. ‘SANDS, GATS and SWATCHWAYS between HARWICH and the NORE’. Mariners Mirror, 1930.
The Twizzle is personally memorable for, on leaving it one cold, November evening to return to Levington, acquiring a mooring buoy line around the prop: a challenging journey back in the dark, on the ebb.